Buggy Scrubbers Mobile Car Detailing
My name is Dennis Chayer and Buggy Scrubber Mobile Car Detail is my new start up business. I am a detail kind of guy, born that way, I guess. My family calls me eagle eye because when I was 7 years of age, I once found a single key that my dad had dropped on the side of a gravely road. I found it 24 hours after we realized it was missing. They say that I can find the proverbial needle in a haystack. My school chums call me Denny do right, because I am a stickler for details.
I was born here in Seattle, graduated from Saint Francis of Assisi Elementary in Burien. I attended Aviation High School in Seattle and graduated Highline College with an Associates degree through the running start program. I have worked detailing positions with Nissan and Car Toys where I learned the trade.
My family is entrepreneurial. Dad was a painting contractor for 40 years, Seattle Painting & Decorating. Mom founded The American Dance Institute 33 years ago in Seattle and she and dad are now growing the school to multiple locations. They have 6 dance studios located in Greenwood, Wedgwood, Magnolia and in Shoreline, WA. My brother Andy is a marketing specialist with specific expertise in sensory deprivation tanks or 'float tank' center marketing.
My dad taught me that 'TRUST' is rarer and more precious than gold. It takes a long time to earn it, with it opportunities flow, and once lost might never be regained. Trust, must therefore, be taken very seriously. I realize that it is the trust of my customers who will make my service relationships enduring and successful. I am committed to the process of building and maintaining trusted relationships.
I love to meet people and I love to travel. I have set a goal to visit all 50 states before I am 25. So far I have visited 35 out of 50.